




北川博士等研究者以自来水和市场上普遍销售的3种矿泉水为测试对象,在发现水通道蛋白的青蛙卵母细胞上测试了这4种水的通透性。结果显示,矿泉水比普通自来水的通透性更强,尤其日田天领水(这是在日本被报刊、杂志等媒体一致推荐的一种矿泉水,据称是从日本九州岛日田市的几千米地下抽取而来,水质中含有丰富的重要元素———“活性水素”ACTIVE HYDROGEN)的通透性更强于其余3种水,这说明特定的水对水通道蛋白的通透性绝对是有影响的。


The influence of natural mineralwater on aquaporin water permeability and human natural killer cell activity

Yoshichika Kitagawa, Chengwei Liu, Xiaodong Ding

Aquaporins are the intrinsic membrane proteins functioning as water channel to transport water and/or mineral nutrients across the biological membrane systems. In this research, we aimed to clarify if the selected mineralwater can affect aquaporin functions in vitro and the assumption of the mineralwater can modify aquaporin expression and activate natural killer cell activity in human body. First, we expressed six human and eight plant aquaporin genes in oocytes and compared the effect of different kinds of natural mineralwater on aquaporin activity. The oocyte assay data show that Hita tenryosui water could promote water permeability of almost all human and plant aquaporins in varying degrees, and freeze-dry and organic solvent extraction could reduce AQP2 activity but pH change and boiling could not. Second, each volunteer in two groups (10 in one group) received an oral Hita tenryosui or tap water load of 1000 ml/day for total four weeks. We found that these two kinds of water did not directly affect the relative expression levels of AQP1 and AQP9 in the blood cells, but intriguingly, the natural killer cell activities of the volunteers drinking Hita tenryosui water were significantly improved, suggesting that Hita tenryosui water has obvious health function, which opens a new and interesting field of investigation related to the link between mineralwater consumption and human health and the therapies for some chronic diseases.




貪心惹禍,十分仍不滿足,乃人生大病。 捨利招財,一味就學吃虧,乃處世良方。

小分子活胜肽 肽核酸健康分享平台